…about the background art…

Created Thursday, June 27, 2019, in afternoon group, from 3:15 to 4:45. The weekly group was called “self-run” (meaning the patients ran it.) Because to this day I resent the time, money and energy that group sucked away (though a great idea for evenings/weekends) I tried to make it worth their while when I took my turn that day. I ran to the craft store & purchased over a $100 in supplies, designed the panels, put my wireless speaker in the middle of the group room for groove tunes, hung soft twinkling lights, and got permission to open the patio doors to let in the summer breeze.

(( they said it was their favorite group ))

we donated it to say “we were here, we have names, we matter” (see minute 0:39-0:41: https://www.13abc.com/content/news/Toledo-Center-for-Eating-Disorders-saving-lives-one-meal-at-a-time-512937251.html )